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Use this template to smooth your new recruits' onboarding process and help them fit into the teams ASAP.
Include everything a new employee needs to know on your checklist. Ask for opinions from a variety of team members as everyone will probably have some suggestions. The checklist may be given to your newest team member or kept in Tracup. Better still, include it into the creation of a Tracup template that you can duplicate and modify for each new job.
Ask your new team member what they enjoyed and found puzzling about the onboarding process once you've completed it. What do they wish they had known but didn't? The next time you hire a new employee, you may utilize this input to streamline the process.
You may gradually begin creating department-specific hiring checklists for your new employees so that you can get more particular about the procedures and equipment that are crucial in certain jobs. You'll observe that new hires quickly become productive and have better tools at their disposal as time goes on.
New Recruit Checklist
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Built in 2022-11-03 14:36:46
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