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This template is built as a recording tool for standup meetings. In this template, you can write down the person's name, department, job role, meeting topics, and essential talkings.
Task status
Task type
Project components
Apply our template to make everyday standup more productive and efficient. It offers a unified framework with straightforward methods to adjust priorities and keep track of meetings.
A standup meeting is a short meeting, sometimes within half an hour. In the meeting, team members should bring up their opinions about something and call on everyone to make progress. In this type of gathering, team members get to know each other better and get inspired by others.
To assist you in organizing your standup meetings, this project template is set up in List View and Custom Fields developed by Tracup . To help you get started, we’ve included some sample material in this template. However, to make this project uniquely yours, you should add tasks, alter task titles, add new Custom Fields, and edit any other information.
Tracup has already built a simple form that includes various examples. You can also add more customized reasons by using our custom fields feature.
Custom Field can be shown: | Start Date, Priority, Type, Assignee |
Task Type | [Product] [Career life] [Complaints and Advice] |
Custom Field: | 0 |
Task View: | List, Board, Gantt |
Custom fields, task types, task status, etc. In the template can be customized, and you can adjust them according to the corresponding scene.
If you have problems during the use of the template, please contact the Tracup team.
Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, August 10). Stand-up meeting. Wikipedia. Retrieved September 27, 2022, from
Yec. (2022, September 2). Council post: How the 15-minute ‘stand-up’ meeting gets the job done. Forbes. Retrieved September 27, 2022, from
Built in 2022-09-27 18:24:41
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