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#Project #Personal #Beginner

Job Hunt

This template is made for obtaining your desired position, preparing for your job search, and organize your interviews.

Template Configuration

Task status



Search for jobs

Apply for jobs





Task type

Not Yet
Having a problem

Project components

Template Details

You need to become a hunter in looking for jobs. Be sensitive about all possible opportunities and save them in our provided template. We want you to be successful in your careers!

Why use this job hunt template?

Every little move you make when looking for a new job might make the difference between finding one you like and missing out. You need to be organized everywhere, from maintaining your social media accounts to often searching job boards, so that you’re prepared when the proper chance arises.

Start by using this template. First, do all the preparation-related duties so that you are prepared to meet with employers. Once you find the position that suits you, carry on with the steps in the Search, Apply, and Interview sections.

Tips for using this template

  • The very first step you need to do is list a bunch of things. These should include your strength, weakness, preferred field, work place and other related stuffs.
  • Tracup team has created something you need to do before searching for jobs.
  • We also provided several job searching websites that may help you find a dream job.
  • Remember to check all information about possible new companies.
  • Then, send your resume to those companies and start your interviews.
  • Good Luck!
Custom Field can be shown: Type, Priority, Expire date
Task Type [Checked] [Not Yet] [Having a problem]
Custom Field: 0
Task View: List, Board, Calendar


Custom fields, task types, task status, etc. In the template can be customized, and you can adjust them according to the corresponding scene.

Ask for help:

If you have problems during the use of the template, please contact the Tracup team.

Other Info

Built in 2022-09-30 16:35:18


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