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Have you ever thought of including a seasonal reset ritual to prepare for the following season? This is not only a terrific method to psychologically get ready for the upcoming season, but it is also a great way to get ready physically.
I'll be the first to confess that I don't do well with daily routines, but since a seasonal ritual only occurs four times a year, I can definitely stick to it. It also benefits me. Have you ever thought of incorporating a ritual to reset the seasons in order to get ready for them? This template is a fantastic method to get ready for the remainder of the year psychologically as well as physically plan for the upcoming season.
Any high-performing team should periodically pause to determine whether its practices or "rituals" are still necessary. Use and download Tracup Ritual Reset Template which is customizable if you ever need a guiding Doc template.
Ritual Reset Template
Built in 2022-12-30 11:36:15
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