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Product Backlog

Prioritize your work items in the backlog to guarantee that everyone's work is optimized and that product goals are met. Use it now!

Template Configuration

Task status


User Story 1

User Story 2

User Story 3

Feature enhancements





Task type


Project components


Template Details

A product backlog is a continuous list of all the tasks that must be completed on a software product.

On Agile projects, it is used to prioritize work and as the primary source for sprint planning.

Product backlog is a prioritized list of functionality which a product should contain. It is considered an ‘artifact’ (a form of documentation) within the scrum software development framework. A sprint backlog consists of selected elements from the product backlog which are planned to be developed within that particular sprint. (“Product Backlog - Wikipedia”)

Open-ended feature requests might stymie your development team’s ability to focus on the things that will propel your product ahead. The Scrum product x organizes your work so that you may focus on the most strategic and/or urgent activities first.

We built a basic product backlog template to help you establish and refine your backlog so you can dive into your next sprint planning session with a clear image of your top priorities.

What exactly is a product backlog, and why is it necessary?

A product backlog prioritizes and schedules all of the needs for a software development project. When new work emerges during product development, it is added to the backlog in the form of a user story. Nothing will fall between the gaps this way.

Product development is an ever-changing process, and a Scrum backlog should reflect this. A well-managed product backlog guarantees that your software projects have clear priorities and a defined plan of action at all times.

Product backlog prioritization tips

Here’s how to make sure your product backlog is ready for sprint planning success:

  • Clearly define your main priorities and ensure that they are planned to commence in your next sprint.
  • Don’t put in your backlog every feasible work connected to your project. This diverts attention away from higher-priority duties. Every item in the backlog should contribute to the product’s value.
  • Regularly review your backlog. Check that each user narrative is still relevant and essential. When the work has been dispatched, mark the items as completed.
  • Assign narrative points to represent the degree of work necessary to construct a product feature or fix a defect, rather than the projected time.
  • Backlog items can be quite specific, but they don’t have to be. During the sprint planning phase, tasks are typically broken down more fully.

What is a product backlog?

Now that you understand why a backlog is vital, let’s look at the components of a typical backlog.

  • User stories: A user story is a simplified requirement description written in the end user’s voice. It usually looks like this: I desire [objective] as a [kind of user] for [reason]. Before being added to the backlog, initial product ideas are structured as user stories.
    A feature is a new or upgraded capability that adds value to the final product’s users and connects to an existing user narrative.
  • Activities: Break down exceptionally complicated features into smaller components and determine the tasks required to develop the feature out. It just depends on how your team like to operate.
  • Improvements: Every feature has the potential to be improved, which is where enhancements come in. An enhancement is a suggested change to a current feature or function that would provide users with even more value.
  • Bugs: A bug is a problem that occurs when using a product. Keeping track of defects in the backlog simplifies the process of prioritizing and planning fixes with each new sprint cycle.

Because each component of a product backlog, such as user stories, features, and bugs, may change depending on the development project, a template serves as an excellent starting point and can be readily adjusted to meet your project and process.

Product backlog template for free in Tracup

Are you ready to make a backlog for your next software project? Try out our product backlog template! This free gantt chart template provides you with the following elements to help you plan your Agile product backlog:

  • Interface with drag and drop
  • Task management
  • View of user and resource workload
  • Sharing of files
  • Reporting Team Collaboration

[“Product Backlog - Wikipedia.” Product Backlog - Wikipedia, 19 Dec. 2021,](“Product Backlog - Wikipedia.” Product Backlog - Wikipedia, 19 Dec. 2021,

Other Info

Built in 2022-10-13 18:11:47


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