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Use this Porter's five forces template to identify a company's strengths and shortcomings in relation to its competitors.
Spend some time developing the five forces with your team. Talk about each one in depth so that everyone on the team who is affected understands your stance.
You'll probably discover that some team members can provide viewpoints that others can't.
You will improve team alignment and collective intelligence with this practice. Clarifying a team's position's strengths and weaknesses using Porter's Five Forces method.
Once you have decided where you stand in relation to these five influences, convey your position by documenting it in a centralized knowledge management system. Your team may create a more strategic course of action by doing this. In the future, you might find it useful to go back and review them to see whether you've made any progress.
Porter's Five Forces
Built in 2022-11-02 16:13:08
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