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Regularly communicating with your investors by letter enables you to keep them up to date on what you're working on, why, and how they may support you.
At Tracup, we send our investors a letter every month (and, of course, keep a record of them there for easy access to earlier letters). We've discovered that it's a fantastic way to unite in support through trying times and rejoice as a group in happy times.
In addition, it saves them from having to contact us directly or travel to meetings to learn what we are working on, why we are working on it, and how.
Investors may view the updates at their own convenience because they are asynchronous.Give investors a sense of what you’ve been working on, how it’s been going, and where you plan to head next. This should include wins as well as challenges.
Investor Letter
Body Part
Built in 2022-11-02 14:44:52
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