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HTML Software Report

HyperText Markup Language, or HTML. It serves as the industry standard for web page markup. The formatting of a disorganized web resource, including text, animation, sounds, tables, links, and other elements, is simply unified by a set of tags. The term "HTML Report" refers to reports created online or through HTML report generators utilizing the HTML language.

A part of a page that contains form components is known as an HTML form. Various sorts of input components, such as text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit buttons, labels, and more, are referred to as form elements.

This template is for you if you work in software development and need a summary of significant statistics from your user testing. Users can design HTML reports with Tracup‘s user-friendly template. The reports work on a variety of devices, and they display clearly on different screen sizes.

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HTML Software Report

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Built in 2023-01-06 11:57:30


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