All Templates
The Getting Things Done technique users should use is this template. To learn more about how each List functions, please browse the pages to the right. This is only the beginning.
You can add and modify custom fields, contexts, and lists in any way you choose! In Tracup, contexts function by collecting everything with that context added. In this template, we have defined contexts as custom fields, however, you are welcome to experiment with tags and remove the custom field if that works better for you.
Afterward, the contexts are accessible as views at the Folder or Space level (whichever includes all of your projects), capturing all tasks and limiting the display to those belonging to that specific context.
Task status
To Do
Waiting On/Delegated
Scheduled on Calendar
Project List
Someday Maybe
Weekly Review
Task type
Custom field
Built in 2022-12-01 17:58:50
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