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Writing Prompt to Create an effective SEO content strategy requires a thorough understanding of the target keyword and related topics.
Creating a successful SEO content strategy necessitates a comprehensive comprehension of the target keyword and associated topics.
Keyword Clustering is the first step, where the keywords should be grouped according to the top ten super categories, and each super category should be named in the first column called "keyword cluster." Furthermore, seven subcategories or specific long-tail keywords should be added for each keyword cluster in another column.
Search Intent is the next step, where the human searcher intent for each keyword should be listed in another column, and the topics should be clustered in one of three search intent groups based on their search intent being commercial, transactional, or informational.
Title and Meta Description is the final step, where a simple yet highly enticing title should be written in the next column to use for a post about that keyword. The title should capture the essence of the topic and be attractive to the reader. Finally, a meta description with a maximum of 155 words should be written in another column, which should be value-based, highlighting the value of the article, and having a simple call to action to encourage the searcher to click.
To ensure that the content generated has a desirable level of perplexity and burstiness, it is crucial to incorporate a mix of short and long sentences. AI-generated sentences tend to be uniform in length, so it is essential to intersperse them with short and long sentences. Additionally, utilizing uncommon terminology can enhance the originality of the piece and make it more engaging and interesting.
Built in 2023-03-29 18:32:35
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