Tactical Marketing Plan Template

Tracup Expert

Imagine climbing Mount Everest solely on on gut instinct. Without a well-thought-out strategy to lead the way, you wouldn’t go very far.

Although marketing may not be an intense sport with life-or-death stakes, you nevertheless have enormous objectives to accomplish. The success of your team depends on a lot more than instinct.

Therefore, a strategic marketing plan is essential regardless of your sector. Consider it the road map that leads your company to its destination each and every year.

It may seem scary to draft your first marketing strategy, but don’t be concerned. We’ll go through the fundamentals, demonstrate what a strategic marketing strategy looks like, and even provide you with a few free templates to get you started. We’ll talk about the following:

  • A strategic marketing plan is what?
  • Components that make into a strategic marketing plan
  • Examples and templates of free marketing plans

A strategic marketing plan is what?

To begin with, let’s clarify what a strategic marketing strategy is.

A strategic marketing strategy is a written document that directs the marketing initiatives of your team all year long. It outlines how you’ll use your yearly marketing budget and connects your marketing objectives to the overall business goals of your organization.

A strong marketing strategy describes in detail:

  • Your intended audience and main rivals
  • Major objectives for the year and how they will advance your situation
  • important outcomes that act as success markers

How you plan to use your resources and money to achieve your aims
Remember that your strategy may change depending on your aims and industry. The details you offer matter more than length and structure. Make it as simple as you can for business executives to comprehend how your strategic marketing plan supports company growth by doing your research.

What distinguishes a marketing strategy from a marketing plan?

A marketing strategy outlines how you’ll carry out a certain marketing plan task with a particular tactical objective in mind. An email or social media campaign, a blog series, a limited-time promotion, or a live event are all possible ways to do this.

Contrarily, a marketing plan serves as the overarching structure for all of your marketing efforts. It takes a broad view of the who, what, and why of your marketing goals and focuses on connecting them to more important corporate goals.

What distinguishes a marketing strategy from a marketing plan?

A marketing strategy outlines how you’ll carry out a certain marketing plan task with a particular tactical objective in mind. An email or social media campaign, a blog series, a limited-time promotion, or a live event are all possible ways to do this.

Contrarily, a marketing plan serves as the overarching structure for all of your marketing efforts. It takes a broad view of the who, what, and why of your marketing goals and focuses on connecting them to more important corporate goals.

The Google Docs marketing strategy template includes the following in general:


  • Company objectives
  • Goals for the business
  • SWOT analysis for market analysis
  • Objectives for strategic marketing
  • Important marketing metrics
  • Advertising avenues


Download the template as a Word document or save a copy to your Google Drive, then edit it to suit the requirements of your own strategic marketing strategy.

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