Personal Plan Template **-** Checklist For 2022

Tracup Expert

A personal development plan is a strategy for making your ambitions a reality. Use these examples and templates to help you design your own strategy!

What Rebate Means

Personal development planning is the process of creating an action plan based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, relationship or for self-improvement.[1](“Personal Development Planning - Wikipedia”)

You will mainly use:

  1. Task status: Set your task status according to your affair process, such as [Work], [Life] and [Social].
  2. Custom field: Tracup template has been pre-added custom field for common demands, which can be added/deleted based on existing templates to fit your specific demands for recording and processing.
  3. List view: The representation of list and custom column can help you present the plentiful information in demanding form.

The Template Default

Task Status: ☹[Work]👌[Life]🖐[Social]❎[Closed]
Task Type: [In Process] [Not Final] [Finished]
Custom Field: Memo(text)
Task View: List, Board. File, Wiki
Custom Field can be shown: Create Time, Expire Date, Assignee, Type, Memo


Custom fields, task types, task status, etc. In the template can be customized, and you can adjust them according to the corresponding scene.

Ask for help:

If you have problems during the use of the template, please contact the Tracup team.


  1. 4 Ways to Lead More Effectively With Accountability
  2. “Personal Development Planning - Wikipedia.” Personal Development Planning - Wikipedia, 1 Jan. 2018,

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