Facilities Requests Template - Project Request Form

Tracup Expert

This facility request form template was created for property managers who wish to grow their business by allowing visitors to submit requests online.

How to use our template to plan and manage your facilities request project

Overall, you’re in charge of overseeing a safe place, a budget, and a lease. But on a daily basis, a ton of fresh inquiries and requests place demands on your time. While it can be challenging to stay on top of every facility demand that arises, deadlines must always be met. Instead, facilities staff can use our request template to plan out new inquiries and compile the pertinent information they need to make quick work of any responses, whether they relate to the budget, lease terms, or wall dimensions.

  • Clarify any ambiguous terms. People don’t always offer the correct information via email. Our form collects the data from staff members you require to respond to their inquiries or carry out their requests.
  • Follow requests in one location. It is simpler to get off course if inquiries and requests are coming to you verbally, via email, and from contractors. Instead, you may manage all of your tasks with a single list.
  • Allow time for the important work. It is challenging to concentrate on more important tasks if you are frequently sidetracked by daily obligations. You may prioritize what you can do in a certain amount of time by creating a template.

Template Default

Task Status: [New Requests]☹[Installation/Construction]👌[Keycards] [Desk Setup] [Closed]
Task Type: [Action Request] [Complete] [In Progress] [Backlog]
Custom Field: Repairs(Text), SF(Text)
Task View: List, Board. File, Wiki
Custom Field can be shown: Create Time, Expire Date, Assignee, Type, SF, Repairs


Custom fields, task types, task status, etc. In the template can be customized, and you can adjust them according to the corresponding scene.

Ask for help:

If you have problems during the use of the template, please contact the Tracup team.

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