Customer Onboarding Template - Best Practices, Examples

Tracup Expert

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User onboarding is the process of improving an individual’s requirements and success with a product or service. This term is often used in reference to software products, and it can be done in a manual or automated way. The term originates from the human resources term, onboarding.

What advantages does utilizing this template offer?

  • Fully boarding a customer

    Manage every step of the client onboarding procedure, from the initial meeting to the customer’s implementation and training.

  • Tracking of onboarding progress
    Obtain complete insight into the client onboarding process and monitor the time commitment.

  • Just one center platform

    By synchronizing everyone on a single centralized and user-friendly platform, you can keep your sales team and client-facing staff in sync.

The Client Directory Template Default

Task Status: ☹[Awaiting Onboarding]👌[Onboarding In Progress]❎[Paying Customers] ✨[At Risk] ⛳[Contacts] ✏[Finished]
Task Type: [Vendor] [Customer] [Lead] [Partner]
Custom Field: Package(text), TimeZone(text), Kickoff(text), Structuring(text), Training(text), Go Live Date(date), Success Metrics(text), Risks(text), Est. Hours(text), Onboarding Dates - End(date), Onboarding Dates - Start(date), Phone(text), Title(text)
Task View: List, Board. File, Wiki

“User Onboarding - Wikipedia.” User Onboarding - Wikipedia, 21 Nov. 2018,

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