Business Strategy Plan Template - Use It Right Now

Tracup Expert

Before presenting your product vision and strategic plan to senior leadership, use the business strategy template to help you concentrate your thoughts.

Strategic planning is an organization‘s process of defining its strategy or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to attain strategic goals. (“Strategic Planning - Wikipedia”)

A business plan conveys the tale of your company’s goals and sketches out the path you’ll follow to get there. It may be shared with investors, partners, and workers to generate interest and buy-in. There are several components to consider, and our template will assist you in addressing them so that your thoughts may be turned into a tangible strategy.

Our template can help you plan your company strategy

  • Make a strategy document. Partners will be interested in learning about your procedures, expenditures, and strategic thinking. Keeping track of things in one location makes them easier to reference and update. Create a task for them or attach any documents.
  • Invite collaborators and partners. Involve your partners in your strategy by sharing your strategy on Tracup and assigning them tasks to evaluate or weigh in on anything. Then, straight from Tracup, you can take action on their input.

Template Default

Task Status: ☹[Company Description]👌[Product & Service]🖐❎[Marketing Plan] [Management and Organization] [Closed]
Task Type: [Feature] [Task] [Bug]
Custom Field: Approved(Text),Business Priority(Text)
Task View: List, Board. File, Wiki
Custom Field can be shown: Create Time, Expire Date, Assignee, Type, Approved,Business Priority


Custom fields, task types, task status, etc. In the template can be customized, and you can adjust them according to the corresponding scene.

Ask for help:

If you have problems during the use of the template, please contact the Tracup team.


  1. “Annual General Meeting - Wikipedia.” Annual General Meeting - Wikipedia, 7 Apr. 2020,
  2. “Strategic Planning - Wikipedia.” Strategic Planning - Wikipedia, 10 Apr. 2022,

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